Your Ultimate Guide: SEO Outsourcing in the Philippines

Our team at Outsourced understands that you may have questions regarding Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) outsourcing processes and what it entails, especially if you are a first time business owner. So we have provided you an ultimate guide when it comes SEO outsourcing, aiming to answer any question and eliminate any confusion.

SEO Philippines

As a prospective business owner, it’s natural to try and shoulder all the responsibility when it comes to running your business, especially when it comes SEO services. It seems simple enough, there’s no hassle in trying to find someone to employ and what better person is more reliable than you? However managing your virtual presence is ideally a full-time role and it’s advisable to consider paying someone else to offload this work to so you can focus on running the actual company. This can be a daunting experience, but it’s a necessary step. We exist in a fast-faced digitised environment and it’s important that you have staff dedicated specifically to this area of your company.


SEO Evolves too fast to manage it yourself.

Google updates SEO algorithms almost 10 times a week, meaning your website needs to be updated and maintained regularly and posting online content needs to be a continual habit. This is virtually impossible to do if you have other major responsibilities as CEO – you have overall strategy and maintenance to worry about. It’s better to employ someone who specialises in online marketing and optimisation so your company can uphold premium performance and results with your online presence.

High quality is needed for SEO

SEO is an Internet marketing strategy, where it considers how search engines work, what people search for and the actual search terms or keywords that are preferred by their target audience. It’s what determines search engine ranking. However for this to be successful, high quality content is the required partner for SEO. Your goal is your content to be shareable, likeable, linkable and designed to be ranked. If you are juggling this role in-between your responsibilities as the company CEO or Director, high-quality content will be difficult to achieve. It’s better for a third party employee to oversee this.

Social SEO requires dedicated consistency

Social media is at the heart of society, with many people using this to complete their research instead of search engines. This is why social media and SEO is such a power couple: with them overlapping, social media can help bolster your SEO, get your content indexed and receive more audience traffic. Again, this is a full-on role and SEO outsourcing even a portion of this labour would allow you to spend more of your time to developing and improving more strategies and the overall picture of your company.

You’re employing someone who specialises in that field

Aside from the obvious key message that it lifts a fair amount of responsibility off your shoulders, you would also have someone who was specifically trained in the field of online marketing. This means that not only can they take care of SEO updates and maintaining your online presence, but they can also take care of any analytical tracking or misendeavors. Web analytics are essentially easy to use and can provide live data on traffic and content trends. By employing someone to take care of this, they can look over tracking codes, any misconfigured analysis, business-relevant metrics and blind spots in data due to coding oversights.

SEO Outsourcing in the Philippines

Company budget can often conflict with this need to recruit a third party company. A popular trend and option for many global companies is doing outsourcing business with BPOs in the Philippines. Skeptical? Here are some reasons why SEO outsourcing to the Philippines is not such a bad idea:


It’s cost effective

Philippines is famously known for their cheap labour, resulting in many multi-billion dollar companies to outsource their staff from there to reduce employment costs such as Google or HSBC. The salary of an SEO expert in the Philippines is around $20k per year; a stark contrast compared to an expert in Australia who will demand a salary of $100k+ per year.

Philippines is known for their hard-working attitude

Not only are you saving money on labour, but you are also investing in people who are globally known for their strong work ethic. Although you still need to carefully research as to whom you want to employ, you can be given a guarantee that your deadlines will be met accordingly and received work will be of high standard.

English proficiency is a given.

Overall, the Philippines are renowned for being the leading country from the East-Asian region with advanced skills in spoken English. This poses a significant advantage as it means there will be negligible communication barriers, resulting in favourable performance and productivity.

Outsourced SEO


If you’re new to this concept, it’s crucial to do the right research and know what you’re looking for in a prospective provider. Offshoring your labour is still something that you pay for, so you need to make sure you’re not being scammed for your money and that you’re getting the quality you deserve to receive.

Know your SEO Service Providers

The first step when it comes to SEO outsourcing is familiarising yourself with the different types of SEO’s that currently exists in the Philippine market. The current crop of the market are mostly survivors – the rest are either new or trying to break into the industry again. These survivors can be classified into the following categories:

  • The White Hats: These providers come with a variety of high skills in data analysis and content strategy. They’re educated in marketing lingo, safe marketing tactics and essentially deliver quality work. In essence, these providers are what you are hoping to find.
  • The Borderline Black Hats: Their understanding of SEO is sound enough but don’t necessarily perform to the highest standard when it comes to content building. Pre-approving their content before publishing is advisable.
  • The Black Hats: Their main methods of SEO rankings are injections, hacking and various other illegal tactics to rank. Their services are very expensive, usually rare to find and you run the risk of losing your business domain by employing them.
  • The Low Quality Spammers: These providers only have money as their main incentive and have limited understanding in what they are required to do. Their approaches usually revolve around manually posting comments, spamming and “spinning” your content.

Know what you’re looking for

Your priority should essentially be the safety and prosperity of the company. Thus, your choice as to which type of SEO outsourcing company is crucial, and it is vital you do thorough research to make sure your business is in reliable hands. It’s also a good idea to familiarise yourself with SEO content so you know what you’re looking for instead of relying on reviews which run the risk of being biased information. Furthermore, there are also a variety of different SEO outsourcing company labels who each have a different focus, so it’s beneficial to know what sort of work you’re looking for:

  • SEO company: focus on on-page and SEO link building
  • Link Building company: Focus on link buiding and sell their services by unit or having specific pricing per link type
  • SEO Auditing: mainly audit your content, links and on-page SEO
  • Content marketing: still under the SEO company umbrella but heavily focus on content research, creation and distribution to raise brand awareness.
  • Digital Marketing Company: works on SEO, social media, email marketing, SMS, blogging, copywriting, podcasting, app marketing, media buying and other forms of digital distribution
  • Internet Marketing Company: similar to digital marketing but more focused on the core marketing strategies such as email marketing and social media marketing
  • Inbound Marketing Company: same as a digitual marketing company. Inbound agencies use this label to let people know they make sure of different inbound marketing techniques.

Run your selection carefully

Do your research. Asking about their processes, methodology and work examples will help determine if they are suited for your company. Because you’re offshoring your work, you won’t be physically present to manage their work, making it imperative that they are a suitable candidate that you can trust with your projects.

Communicate your situation and needs concisely

Once you’ve employed the perfect SEO outsourcing company, be ready to thoroughly explain your situation or project carefully. Have important documentation and templates complied in advance to send to them immediately after employment agreement. Let them know of your goals, expectations and needs for the project or campaign. Make sure that these are realistic and won’t put your provider under undue pressure, which could essentially backfire and result in poor SEO content.

Don’t micromanage but stay organised

The purpose of SEO outsourcing so you can focus your energy on tasks that are more important as a business owner. This means that for the most part, it’s not something to significantly think about. However, it’s still imperative that you stay ontop of your employees and make sure they stay on task and meet deadlines. Organising regular progress meetings and request reports will ensure that there is no need for constant reminder emails and that your providers have a prospective date scheduled to display what the situation looks like on their end.


Money is still money

Regardless of how cheap the labour is in the Philippines, it’s still valuable money that you are spending, and you want to make sure it’s being financed towards an outsourcing business company that will benefit you the most. There’s nothing worse than poor researching leading to a regrettable employment of a SEO outsourcing company that fails to produce premium results.

Time is precious

Time is something that you can never get back, so it’s an advisable idea to not waste it. This is why communication is so important: if your needs are not communicated in an effective and efficient manner, it can lead to poor results in the end due to lack of mutual understanding, which not only wastes time, but it also wastes money and effort.

Risk of a Google penalty

If you end up employing a dodgy SEO outsourcing provider who’s methods are less than ideal (or legal) then it could evidently result in your entire website completely deindexed. This means the loss of your money, your time, your traffic income and your hard earned work. Careful research will make sure you’re well aware of what’s at stake and what sort of providers you need to avoid.

SEO Company Philippines

Some of the Outsourced Team in the Philippines for Web Application Development


Outsourced Quality Assured, Inc. is a leading IT Outsourcing company and outsourced SEO service provider that provides a highly qualified Remote Staff in the Philippines. We are owned by an Award Winning Digital Agency in Australia and we are proud to have over 15 years of experience within the SEO and digital marketing industry -having delivered projects for some of the world’s leading organisations.

Reputable and reliable, we aim to exceed your expectations and supply premium services to allow your company to flourish in the online sector. Our prices are almost highly competitive and negotiable, which is something to consider when it comes to cost effectiveness and company budget.

For more information on our Outsourcing IT Services and how to get started with us – or if you have any more questions regarding SEO outsourcing, please contact us today.


Some of our 250+ happy clients

“I have been working with Outsourced for a few years now and I must say that they have been an invaluable partner for our business. Their dedication, expertise, and professionalism have truly exceeded my expectations.”

"We have been so happy with the people they have brought on board we have decide to expand the operation. This is testament to the flexibility and determination of the Outsourced team who have been more like an extension of our company rather than a 3rd party."

"Outsourced are an extremely professional organisation, easy to to do business with and lightening fast at sorting things out. The staff are super friendly with a 'can do' attitude. They also treat our team very well and we have no complaints (happy productive staff means a happy client)."

"Outsourced have been an enormous support and very patient as we progress down the outsourcing path. They have integrated perfectly into our team and with all interactions with Outsourced staff we have found them to be incredibly helpful and accommodating."

"I want to stress that we have greatly appreciated the services of Outsourced, the service has been exemplary and the work high quality; the staff have been a pleasure to work with. We would like to retain an ongoing relationship with Outsourced."

“Outsourced have a great office space and a great support team who are always willing to help. We were able to pivot quickly and within 6 weeks we were able to start our team. We are very happy with Outsourced.”

Outsourced Service Categories

There are hundreds of roles we can recruit for you in the Philippines. Below is a list of some of the most popular roles our client’s request within each industry.

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