Tips On Hiring the Right Web Design and Development Company

Hiring the Right Web Design and Development Company

When it comes to building or redesigning your website, it is crucial that you take into consideration the amount of time, money and the quality of the work being delivered. After all, your brand is being viewed on the internet by billions of online users who could potentially be converted into clients or consumers.

Proper consideration and a strategic approach must therefore be implemented. The success of your online vision will greatly depend on the web design and development company that you’ll be hiring.

Since they will be your online marketing partner whose goal is to help you deliver your message across your audience on a global scale, then similar to hiring an employee, you need to do your homework. You need to conduct background checking, an interview process, performance review and ask for their portfolio as well as references.

Here are some tips that you can apply before hiring any professional website design and development firm:

  1. Strategic Approach
Hiring the Right Web Design and Development Company

Given the complexity of web design and development, you have to make sure that the company can present a strategic process as to how they plan to execute the entire project from start to finish.

Reputable companies with years of experience can deliver projects successfully – due to the experiences that they have accumulated over the years of doing this type of service.

If you feel confident that they are able to explain fully and clearly how they plan to accomplish everything, while including you in the process, then this is a good sign that they know what they are doing and can provide you with timely feedback regarding any concerns, questions or inquiries that you may have along the way.

2. Portfolio

Hiring the Right Web Design and Development Company

A company’s portfolio is their calling card and it’s always good to get a couple of agencies before you settle on one.

The best way to figure out which are the really good ones would be to browse online and check for yourself. See if their style and design is something that is visually appealing to you. On the more technical side, you could check if their sites are custom made or theme-built.

Other things to consider would be the ease in maneuvering the site (user experience), how innovative and creative is it (functionality), does it work well on mobile devices (mobile responsiveness) and does the site upload within the span of a second or two (site performance).

3. Reputation


Are they known in their industry as experts? Who are their clients and what projects have they worked on in the past? What types of feedbacks have they gotten over the years with regards to the services that they have provided? What about their work ethics?

This is the one of the main reasons why some companies are able to grow at a faster pace than others. Word of mouth plays a huge role when it comes to referring a company’s service to another business. Testimonials and reviews from reliable sources and reputable individuals increases a company’s credibility. It is also recommended that you check them out online and see what is being said about them and not base everything on what’s written on their website.

Feel free to ask for any credentials that they may have acquired over time and how they stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, since technology is a field known to be an ever evolving and changing industry.

Oh, and another great tip, if they offer web design and development services, be sure to check out their website and see if their site represents everything that they say and do. After all, a company’s website is the best representation of who they are, what they can do and how they want to be perceived.

Remember that websites are one of the most powerful marketing tools online.

4. Dedicated Team

Dedicated team

Full disclosure is recommended when it comes to the team that will be working on your website. There are companies that say in-house development is the way the go while others may outsource some services, staff or acquire independent contractors to provide a broader range of services at cost effective rates.

If you come across companies that outsource some services, feel free to ask for the credentials of those independent contractors and ask how they are able to manage this type of set-up so you can feel confident in moving forward with them.

For website design and development agencies that outsource, they normally have experts within their company who manages the teams. These are the Project Managers (PM) and they are the ones who ensure that projects are delivered on time – without sacrificing quality. Clients should be able to touch base with PMs any time with regards to anything that pertains to their websites.

In the end, the results will speak for itself. As long as there is a well-placed strategic process and approach being followed, as well as a dedicated team working on your web project, then you have nothing to worry about.

5. In-Depth Knowledge on CMS

Hiring the Right Web Design and Development Company

Today’s content management system (CMS) contain core features and functionality that allows you to create content from the backend portion of your website (think of Wordpress and how easy it is to create content using this platform).

Now a really good web development company can customize your CMS in accordance to what your website requires with the implementation of best practices. Since most would prefer a more customized website, it would be good to hire a company that can build a CMS that meets your standards.

To do this, you simply ask for a demonstration. Ask them to show you the websites they’ve created and to walk you through the backend process. In doing so, this will show you the types of CMS that they have built for their clients and how they customised it to meet the specific needs of that project.

6. Additional Services

Hiring the Right Web Design and Development Company

Another great “Come-on” would be “add-ons.” This basically means providing other services apart from what their expertise may be.

So for a web design firm and development company, add-ons could include, digital marketing services such as seo, sem and social media marketing which can help promote your website effectively; copywriting and content creation, email marketing, branding services and so on.

  1. Price
Hiring the Right Web Design and Development Company

Prices would normally depend on the scope of the project. Asking them to itemize everything gives you an idea as to what exactly you’re paying for. Comparing the end results that each professional website builder and web design businesses have produced is another great way to determine if the prices they offer is at par with the quality of their work based on industry standards.

And this is where outsourcing has become a popular trend especially amongst small to medium size businesses.

Since budget plays a huge role in determining if you are able to afford a web design and web development agency that allows you to have the kind of website that meets your standards without breaking the bank, then web design outsourcing and development could be a great option for you.

Here are some guidelines that you can look into when it comes searching for the right outsourcing partner.

Once you have found the right outsourcing company for your business, you should be able to work with them for as long as you’ve done your homework, which simply means applying the tips provided in this article.

Selecting the right web design and web development firm can make a huge difference on how your brand and services are being marketed – and as such, help generate leads, sales and exposure online.


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