Build an Augmented Reality (AR) team in the Philippines with Outsourced

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that is rapidly changing the way we interact with the world around us. From gaming to education and healthcare, AR has the potential to revolutionize how we approach many aspects of our lives. However, delivering AR experiences requires a specialized team of professionals with diverse skills and expertise. In this article, we will discuss the seven staff roles needed to deliver AR experiences and how Outsourced has extensive experience in hiring and building AR teams in the Philippines for clients around the globe.

Programmer and his computer

1. AR Developers in the Philippines

AR developers are software developers who specialize in creating AR applications and experiences. They typically have skills in programming languages like Unity, C#, and ARKit. In the Philippines, there is a large pool of talented software developers with expertise in these programming languages. Outsourced has a vast network of experienced AR developers who have worked on a wide range of AR projects, from mobile AR applications to immersive experiences.

Outsource Augmented Reality Developers To The Philippines and save up to 75% compared to hiring locally.

2. UX/UI Designers in the Philippines

UX/UI designers are responsible for designing the interface and user experience for AR applications. They may also work on creating wireframes and prototypes. In the Philippines, there is a growing pool of talented UX/UI designers who have experience in designing AR interfaces. Outsourced has worked with many clients to build successful teams of UX/UI Designers who can create interfaces that are both intuitive and visually appealing.

3. 3D Artists and Animators in the Philippines

3D artists and animators are responsible for creating the 3D models, animations, and graphics that make up the AR experience. They may work with tools like Maya, Blender, or Photoshop. The Philippines has a vibrant creative industry, with many talented 3D artists and animators who have experience working on AR projects. Outsourced has a vast network of talented 3D artists and animators who have worked on a wide range of AR projects, from gaming to education.

4. Project Managers in the Philippines

Project managers oversee the overall AR development process, coordinating the work of the development team and ensuring that deadlines and budgets are met. The Philippines has a growing pool of experienced project managers who have worked on a wide range of AR projects. Outsourced has extensive experience hiring AR project managers who can ensure that our client’s AR projects are delivered on time and within budget.

5. Quality Assurance (QA) Testers in the Philippines

QA testers are responsible for ensuring that the AR application or experience works as intended, identifying and reporting any bugs or issues that need to be fixed. The Philippines has a large pool of talented QA testers who have experience working on a wide range of AR projects. Outsourced has extensive experience hiring QA testers who can ensure that AR experiences are bug-free and deliver a smooth user experience for our clients.

6. Hardware Engineers in the Philippines

AR experiences may require specialized hardware, such as sensors, cameras, or smart glasses. Hardware engineers are responsible for designing and developing this hardware. The Philippines has a growing pool of talented hardware engineers who have experience working on a wide range of AR projects. Outsourced has extensive experience hiring talented hardware engineers who can design and develop specialized hardware for AR experiences.

7. Data Analysts in the Philippines

AR experiences can generate a lot of data, and data analysts may be needed to analyze this data to identify trends and insights. The Philippines has a large pool of talented data analysts who have experience working on a wide range of AR projects. Outsourced has extensive experience in hiring data analysts who can analyze the data generated by AR experiences to provide insights that can help improve the user experience for our clients.

In conclusion, delivering AR experiences requires a specialized team of professionals with diverse skills and expertise. The Philippines has a vibrant and growing pool of talented professionals who have experience working on AR projects. Outsourced has extensive experience in hiring and managing these professionals to build successful AR teams for clients. If you’re looking to build an AR team in the Philippines.

Contact Outsourced today to start building your Augmented Reality (AR) team in the Philippines.

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Outsourced Service Categories

There are hundreds of roles we can recruit for you in the Philippines. Below is a list of some of the most popular roles our client’s request within each industry.

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